Math Facts Practice

Need some ideas for practicing math facts that aren't flashcards?  Try these….

Highlight "count bys" (in fourth grade we call them multiples)  on a 100 chart.  Want to take a more kinesthetic approach?  Make your hundred chart with sidewalk chalk and jump the multiples!  That option isn't so great for a rainy day, however.


Make arrays.  Draw and label the arrays.  Include the dimensions (factors) and the total number of square units (product).

Good old fashioned flash cards! Give intense focus to your ten target facts each week and you'll see progress! You'll get a new set every week for the first nine weeks.


Xtra Math (a website).  We'll use this in class this year.  Your child has an account, already.


Make array towers (hand written or on a computer)

Here's an idea: Rarrange the towers so they look like a city skyline.  You could do this with this week's target facts!  Create the city scene on your paper. 

Like this: 

or this:

How fun are those?  Thank you Pinterest!

Got Legos?  Build and record your legos.  You can use the tip of a marker for the lego dots, just like we do when we draw a Quick Image:


Write out your facts on a mirror or window with a dry erase marker. Review them each morning and night while you brush your teeth.  Note: YOU MUST HAVE PARENT PERMISSION TO CHOOSE THIS OPTION! Dry erase marker wipes off clean with Windex.


Here's one for you.... Play Doh Arrays!  Yes, please!


Planks!  Hold a plank position while counting by twos, threes, eights etc.  See how high you can get each week (before you collapse in agony) and record your progress on paper!  This will strengthen your math brain and your core!

Stay tuned for more ideas….
