Thursday, May 4, 2023

My Poem (Title)

My name is (name).

Today, I feel like a/an (adjective) (noun) (verb)ing in the (noun).

Sometimes, I am a/an (noun).

Sometimes, I am a/an (noun).

But always I am (adjective).

I ask the world, "(question)?"

And the answer is a/an (repeat your words from line 2).

Writing prompt by Joseph Fasano

Friday, February 11, 2022

I Am From (template)


“I Am From” Poem

Adapted by Levi Romero
Inspired by “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon

I am from ordinary household item and ordinary household item and ordinary household item I am from description of the place where you live where activity you do at home.

I am from the natural item (tree, plant or flower etc.) and natural item (tree, plant or flower etc.).

I’m from family tradition and family character trait, from family member and family member. I’m from family habit and family habit and family habit.

I’m from Words that were said to you.” and “Words that were said to you.” and “Words that were said to you.”

I’m from family tradition and family tradition.

I’m from my birth place and another place of importance.

I am from family food and family food.

From the memory of the time a story about a family member. I am from family keepsakes, descriptions of pictures or family treasures.

I am from another family description or other things you want to add.

I am from one more thing that is important to you

By Your Name


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Color Wheel

Welcome to the Color Wheel!

So, if we were in class, we'd start by setting up a piece of paper to look like a clock....

Next, fill in all twelve numbers....

Label the primary colors first.

After that, label the secondary colors.

Finally, fill in the tertiary colors.  These are also called intermediate colors.

Color wheel complete.  Wait.  Time to add color!

 Primary Colors

Secondary Colors

Tertiary Colors

Now, let's get creative, because you might not have paint....

Libby went with me on my run.  She rode her bike.  We stopped a lot so we could capture all the colors we could find.  Our pace was slow, but we didn't care.  It was like a rainbow scavenger hunt! We came home with so many pictures.

At first, I used Keynote  played and played.  Did you know you can add shapes and then fill them with an image?

In the end I made one simple color wheel using an instagram filter, but I'm not done.  I plan to keep playing in Keynote and make a grand piece of art.  Time to get creative!

How will you show the color wheel?  You can use crayons, paint, chalk, photos, things around your house, nature photos etc!  The sky is the limit!  Design and create a color wheel project of your own.  Be ready to send it in Seesaw next Friday, May 1!  Let's get colorful!

Ooh!  One more thing.... If you do have paints, try using ONLY the three primary colors, and mix everything else!

I decided to stay up late and finish my project!  But this was so much fun that I might do another.  Stay tuned....

I did another!  This one was much faster.  I've got to get my hands on some paint....

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Live Animal Cams!

I went looking for live animal cams and this one caught my attention!  It looks like there are two babies in the nest and one on the way!  It would be amazing to watch that third egg hatch. It's a YouTube live stream, so if you can't see the babies, you can actually rewind the footage and watch them fight for their breakfast.  Enjoy!  This one takes you to the homepage where there are many live stream cameras to choose from.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Click Here to take the school climate Survey....

Thursday, March 15, 2018